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Hendrik Louw

Acting CEO, Northern Cape Economic Development, Trade and Promotion Development Agency (NCEDA), South Africa

Meet Mr. Louw, a distinguished individual with a Masters in Development Sciences from the University of the Free State. With over two decades of professional experience, he has adeptly navigated both the private and public sectors, focusing on socio-economic advancement. Mr. Louw’s journey has provided him with profound insights on both local and international platforms. His unwavering dedication lies in the pursuit of socio-economic progress, with a specific focus on Africa, notably South Africa, the Northern Cape, and emerging regions worldwide. Notably, Mr. Louw has been at the forefront of the Northern Cape Green Hydrogen development Programme. He has actively steered initiatives such as the Northern Cape Green Hydrogen Strategy, the Boegoebaai Port and Rail development project, and the Western SADC Green Hydrogen endeavour. Additionally, he has spearheaded numerous projects within the realm of sustainable mobility. Through his visionary leadership, Mr. Louw continues to play a pivotal role in shaping the future of green hydrogen and facilitating a just energy transition in the Northern Cape. His tireless commitment to sustainable development underscores his dedication to propelling regions forward in an environmentally conscious and economically viable manner.

Feb 10, 2025

HOST CITY UPDATE: Invest in Cape Town’s Green Economy

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Feb 6, 2025

Priorities for Strategic Climate and Environmental Philanthropy

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