Register for your free Visitor Pass to Enlit Africa 2025 or choose a package from the options below.
Package includes:
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Package includes:
Package includes:
Package includes:
Attendees at Enlit Africa 2024 can make the most of their experience with an additional site visit - available exclusively to our delegate attendees and site visit ticket holders.
From visiting local power plants, to Cape Town's top tourist attractions, our attendees will have an unforgettable experience filled with knowledge and first-hand learnings while networking and winding down their week at Enlit Africa in style.
If your question isn’t answered below, click here to ask us directly.
We want to scale our business and that would not have happened if it were not for this opportunity, so this has been a great experience.
We have just seen phenomenal interest, really exceptional conversation, and connections being made between buyers and sellers and people taking projects forward.
The event is one of a kind. It showcases expert knowledge, innovative solutions and foresight from industry leaders to help shape Africa’s energy transition.
Bring new projects to life with the help of our hand-selected network of key stakeholders. Our matchmaking programme provides an exclusive opportunity for senior-level executives to meet. Network with like-minded leaders and drive progress in the African energy sector.
How Matchmaking Works:
Fill in the form below and our team will help you with information about the event, and answer any questions you have.